
Model United Nations

I. Sustainable Development of Mexico

The National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI) and the National Institute of Ecology, decentralized agency of the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries (SEMARNAP), are pleased to present the Sustainable Development Indicators, which aims, first, provide a set of indicators that contribute to the knowledge of the issues of sustainability and design of strategies and policies in this area in our country, and secondly, to lay the methodological foundations to allow work to continue the development and updating indicators.
This publication contains and extends the final report of results of joint work by both institutions between 1996 and 1999, as part of the global pilot sponsored by the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) United Nations, which instrument to root commitments made by the signatories of Addiction Program for Sustainable Development and Agenda 21. The report, sent to the CSD in November 1999, was also featured in December 1999 in Barbados during the workshop evaluation results, in the context of the implementation phase of the pilot. The elaboration of indicators has been tested not only the ability and experience to Mexico in the application of advanced methodologies for developing such indicators, but also the potential and the availability of information on a topic of paramount significance to the country.

II.Sustainable development in the state of San Luis Potosi

Education. In education we face a problematic than it can escape because of the great challenges facing national education at different degrees. Among the problematic this is the irregular distribution of basic education schools, that due to the conditions of topography of the territory of San Luis Potosi.

Security. San Luis Potosi is the only state of the Republic, which is conducting tests of the first level and senior management of Public Safety Cabinet.

CultureThe cuisine of San Luis Potosi is filled with sweet aromas with the preparation of traditional enchiladas, in the indigenous area of the Huasteca. On September 29 of each year marks the traditional festival of San Miguel Arcangel in the community of Mezquitic de Carmona and 1 to December 8 is celebrated in Venado religious feast of the Immaculate Conception, enlivened by the dance of the Matlachines, these are some traditions we do in our state.

Policy. Dr. Fernando Toranzo Fernandez, Governor of the State of San Luis Potosi, was part of the LVI Legislature of the State (2000-2003) in representation of the District XII, with head in Ciudad Valles. During his work as a local MP, chaired the Commission of Health and Welfare. Dr. Toranzo Fernandez was a founding member of the Society of Surgeons of San Luis Potosi and the Medical Society of the Huasteca. It also has excelled in academic work.

EconomyOur state is execelente, a producer of mining, production rich in copper, zinc, antimony, mercury and tin. Its industry includes, in addition, yarns and fabrics, canned food, and of course, a tourist industry supported at the touch of their old colonial buildings, built with stone masonry and San Luis Potosi make a fantastic place.

III.Proposed solutions to the problemEconomy. Our state does not have many tourist sites, but if you have a high level of mine and sell, which gives a boost to Mexico to be a more developed country in the world.